- October 2021 REDFINCH Newsletter
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Journal and Conference Papers
"A new approach to EC-QCL-based mid-infrared dispersion spectroscopy"
[Poster] Lindner, S., Hayden, J., Schwaighofer, A., Wolflehner, T., Gonzáles Cabrera, M. & Lendl, B., Flair 2018 Conference, Assisi, Sep 10-14, 2018
"Quantum Cascade Laser Integration on Silicon for Gas Sensing"
Carras, M., Brun, M., Fedeli, J.-M., Coutard, J.-G., Duraffourg, L., Maisons, G., Aoust, G., Nicoletti, S. & Abautret, J., 2018 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM2018), 6-11 July 2018, Hawaii (USA), 233-234 (IEEE, 2018).
"Photoacoustic cell on silicon for mid-infrared QCL-based spectroscopic analysis"
Coutard, J.-G., Glière, A., Fedeli, J.-M., Lartigue, O., Skubich, J., Aoust, G., Teulle, A., Strahl, T., Nicoletti, S., Carras, M. & Duraffourg, L., SPIE Photonics West, OPTO-2019, “MOEMS and Miniaturised Systems XVIII”, 2-7 February 2019, San Francisco (USA), Proc. SPIE 10931, 109310V (2019). [Download pdf]
"Antimonide-based optoelectronic devices grown on Si substrates"
Tournié, E., Cerutti, L., Rodriguez, J.-B., Perez, J.-P., Christol, P., Teissier, R. & Baranov, A. N., SPIE Photonics West, Opto-2019, “Silicon Photonics XIV”, 2-7 February 2019, San Francisco (USA), paper 1923-11. Proc. SPIE 10923, 109230C (2019). [Download pdf]
"InAs/AlSb quantum cascade lasers grown on silicon substrates"
Tournié, E., Van, H. N., Loghmari, Z., Cerutti, L., Rodriguez, J.-B., Tournet, J., Narcy, G., Boissier, G., Patriarche, G., Bahriz, M., Teissier, R. & Baranov, A. N., SPIE Photonics West, Opto-2019, “Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVI”, 2-7 February 2019, San Francisco (USA), Proc. SPIE 10926, 1092618 (2019). [Download pdf]
"Miniaturization of mid-IR sensors on Si: challenges and perspectives"
Nicoletti, S., Fedeli, J.-M., Fournier, M., Labeye, P., Barritault, P., Marchant, A., Glière, A., Teulle, A., Coutard, J.-G. & Duraffourg, L., SPIE Photonics West, Opto-2019, “Silicon Photonics XIV”, 2-7 February 2019, San Francisco (USA), Proc. SPIE 10923, 109230H (2019).
"Shape optimization for the design of passive mid-infrared photonic components"
Lebbe, N., Glière, A., Hassan, K., Dapogny, C. & Oudet, E., Opt. Quant. Electron., 51, 363 (2019).
Montemurro, M., Schwaighofer, A., Schmidt, A., Culzoni, M. J., Mayer, H. K. & Lendl, B., Analyst, 98 (2019).
"Molecular-beam epitaxy of GaSb on 6°-offcut (001) Si using a GaAs nucleation layer"
Rio Calvo, M., Rodriguez, J.-B., Cerutti, L., Ramonda, M., Patriarche, G. & Tournié, E., J. Crystal Growth, 125299 (2019).
Schwaighofer, A., Alcaraz, M. R., Lux, L. & Lendl, B., Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 226, 117636 (2020).
Lindner, S., Hayden, J., Schwaighofer, A., Wolflehner, T., Kristament, C., Gonzales-Cabrera, M., Zlabinger, S. & Lendl, B., Applied Spectroscopy, (2019).
"Downsizing and Silicon Integration of Photoacoustic Gas Cells"
Glière, A., Barritault, P., Berthelot, A., Constancias, C., Coutard, J. G., Desloges, B., Duraffourg, L., Fedeli, J. M., Garcia, M., Lartigue, O., Lhermet, H., Marchant, A., Rouxel, J., Skubich, J., Teulle, A., Verdot, T. & Nicoletti, S., Int. J. Thermophys, 41 (2), 16 (2020).
Loi, R., Iadanza, S., Roycroft, B., O’Callaghan, J., Liu, L., Thomas, K., Gocalinska, A., Pelucchi, E., Farrell, A., Kelleher, S., Gul, R. F., Trindade, A. J., Gomez, D., O’Faolain, L. & Corbett, B., IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 56, 6400108 (2020).
"Beyond Beer’s Law: Why the Index of Refraction Depends (Almost) Linearly on Concentration"
Mayerhöfer, T. G., Dabrowska, A., Schwaighofer, A., Lendl, B. & Popp, J., ChemPhysChem, (2020).
"Mid-infrared laser diodes epitaxially grown on on-axis (001) silicon"
Rio Calvo, M., Monge Bartolomé, L., Bahriz, M., Boissier, G., Cerutti, L., Rodriguez, J.-B. & Tournié, E., Optica 7 (4), 263–266 (2020).
"Volume Fabrication of Quantum Cascade Lasers on 200 mm-CMOS pilot line"
Coutard, J. G., Brun, M., Fournier, M., Lartigue, O., Fedeli, F., Maisons, G., Fedeli, J. M., Nicoletti, S., Carras, M. & Duraffourg, L., Scientific Reports 10, 6185 (2020).
"InAs-based quantum cascade lasers grown on on-axis (001) silicon substrate"
Loghmari, Z., Rodriguez, J. B., Baranov, A. N., Rio Calvo, M., Cerutti, L., Meguekam, A., Bahriz, M., Teissier, R. & Tournié, E., APL Photonics, 5, 041302 (2020).
"Enabling low cost QCL by large scale fabrication on CMOS pilot line"
Coutard, J. G., Brun, M., Fournier, M., Lartigue, O., Fedeli, F., Maisons, G., Fedeli, J. M., Nicoletti, S., Carras, M. & Duraffourg, L., SPIE Photonics West, Opto-2020, “Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVII”, 1-6 February 2020, San Francisco (USA), Proc. SPIE 11288, 1128807 (2020).
"Micro PA detector: pushing the limits of mid IR photoacoustic spectroscopy integrated on silicon"
Coutard, J. G., Berthelot, A., Glière, A., Lhermet, H., Scherer, B., Strahl, T., Teulle, A. & Verdot, T., SPIE Photonics West, Opto-2020, “Silicon Photonics XV”, 1-6 February 2020, San Francisco (USA), Proc. SPIE 11285, 1128513 (2020).
"Etched-cavity GaSb laser diodes on a MOVPE GaSb-on-Si template"
Monge-Bartolome, L., Cerba, T., Díaz-Thomas, D. A., Bahriz, M., Calvo, M. R., Boissier, G., Baron, T., Rodriguez, J.-B., Cerutti, L. & Tournié, E., Optics Express, 28, 20785–20793 (2020).
Dabrowska, A., Schwaighofer, A., Lindner, S. & Lendl, B., Optics Express, 28, 36632–36642 (2020).
"Model of thermo-optic nonlinear dynamics of photonic crystal cavities"
Iadanza, S., Clementi, M., Hu, C., Schulz, S. A., Gerace, D., Galli, M. & O’Faolain, L., Phys. Rev. B, 102, 245404 (2020).
"Comparison of laser-based photoacoustic and optical detection of methane"
Strahl, T., Herbst, J., Maier, E., Rademacher, S., Weber, C., Pernau, H.-F., Lambrecht, A., and Wöllenstein, J., J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 10, 25–35, (2021).
"GaSb-based laser diodes grown on MOCVD GaAs-on-Si templates"
Monge-Bartolome, L., Shi, B., Lai, B., Boissier, G., Cerutti, L., Rodriguez, J.-B., Lau, K. M. & Tournié, E., Optics Express, 29, 11268–11276 (2021).
"Methane leak detection by tunable laser spectroscopy and mid-infrared imaging"
Strahl, T., Herbst, J., Lambrecht, A., Maier, E., Steinebrunner, J. & Wöllenstein, J., Appl. Optics, 60, C68–C75 (2021).
Singaravelu, P. K. J., Butler, S. M., Sheehan, R. N., Liles, A. A., Hegarty, S. P. & O’Faolain, L., Crystals, 11, 848 (2021).
Iadanza, S., Liles, A. A., Butler, S. M., Hegarty, S. P. & O’Faolain, L., Opt. Mater. Express, 11, 3245–3274 (2021).
Dabrowska, A., David, M., Freitag, S., Andrews, A. M., Strasser, G., Hinkov, B., Schwaighofer, A. & Lendl, B., Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 350, 130873 (2022).
"Crystal Phase Control during Epitaxial Hybridization of III-V Semiconductors with Silicon"
Rio Calvo, M., Rodriguez, J.-B., Cornet, C., Cerutti, L., Ramonda, M., Trampert, A., Patriarche, G. & Tournié, E., Advanced Electronic Materials, 2100777 (2021).
"Impact of the ridge etching-depth on GaSb-based laser diodes"
Monge-Bartolome, L., Cerutti, L. & Tournié, E., Electron. Lett., (early view online), (2021).
"Thermo-optically induced transparency on a photonic chip"
Clementi, M., Iadanza, S., Schulz, S. A., Urbinati, G., Gerace, D., O’Faloain, L. & Galli, M., Light Sci. Appl., 10, 240 (2021).
"Octave-spanning low-loss mid-IR waveguides based on semiconductor-loaded plasmonics"
David, M., Dabrowska, A., Sistani, M., Doganlar, I. C., Hinkelmann, E., Detz, H., Weber, W. M., Lendl, B., Strasser, G. & Hinkov, B., Optics Express, 29, 43567–43579 (2021).
"Mid-infrared III–V semiconductor lasers epitaxially grown on Si substrates"
Tournié, E., Monge Bartolome, L., Rio Calvo, M., Loghmari, Z., Díaz-Thomas, D. A., Teissier, R., Baranov, A. N., Cerutti, L. & Rodriguez, J.-B., Light: Science & Applications, 11, 165 (2022).